Loyalty is explored as a powerful but amoral force. Gandhi assumes a moral equivalence between the Nazi and British imperialists, naively dismissing reports otherwise the story makes clear that this is a lethal mistake stemming from Gandhi's reluctance to entertain the idea that his moral and ethical assumptions are not shared in common among all human groups. In the end the movement collapses as it proves unable to deal with the savagery of Nazism. They view themselves as a master race and have no moral qualms about killing those who resist non-violently (or even those who do not resist at all, if they are of a certain race). The Nazis, however, led by Field Marshal Walther Model, are completely unmoved by Gandhi's strategy. Although Nehru has a general concept of the inherently immoral nature of Nazi ideology, Gandhi thinks they still can be persuaded, not heeding the warning from an Austrian Jew named Simon Wiesenthal, who was able to flee occupied Poland to India. Rather than struggling for independence from the Crown, Gandhi and his friend Jawaharlal Nehru find themselves in the position of resisting Nazi occupation using the techniques that were successfully employed against the British. Germany's success in World War II has led to their invasion of the British Raj in 1947, resulting in the British Indian Army being decisively defeated. This story was later reprinted in Turtledove's short-story collection Kaleidoscope in 1990, the variety showcase The Best Military Science Fiction of the Twentieth Century in 2001, and in Turtledove's short-story collection The Best of Harry Turtledove in 2021. The story describes a German invasion of British India and the reaction of the Nazi occupation authorities to the nonviolent resistance and pacifism of Mahatma Gandhi and his followers. "The Last Article" (1988), is an alternate history short story by Harry Turtledove.

The Best Military Science Fiction of the Twentieth Century Short story by Harry Turtledove "The Last Article"